Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wonder Volume XV

Its like standing on the edge of a building, arms outstretched, wind blowing through you as if it is reading the thoughts and secrets of your soul. An epiphany overcomes you with deafening comprehension. Right here, right now God is telling you that you are embarking on the next phase of the journey He has planned out for you. You stopped searching, you stopped worrying, you stopped controlling……you stopped. You turned it over to our Father above who is waiting patiently for you to fall to your let go. You gave it to Him and He has now opened your eyes to the next chapter of the book. Fresh, new, bright, comforting, & sure are the steps you are now foot right in front of the other. You over analyzed, you out-planned, you searched over what was right in front of you all along. Him. He is the One. The answer, your next step. The final, the absolute, the fixed, the pure, the unmovable, the almighty, the Alpha & Omega..the Body of Christ. Blood is surging through your veins ushering remembrance that you are alive and have a duty. I am a soldier to the Almighty. I am on fire with passion. I am a Child of God. My calling is to bring people to Christ so that He may show them His unyielding Grace. Purity in all it’s form. He will share His Love and Sacrifice to provide a way to the Father through personal choice. We have the Freedom to choose. He gave us life, and it is ours to take care of. It is our Choice to have a voice and in turn, give others a voice of their own. All that is required of us is to testify of the mercy and compassion that we are given with the Ultimate sacrifice. The life of Jesus Christ. Close your eyes right now and listen. He is whispering your name. Come my Child..come. Reach out to Him and embrace your new life. He wants to see you happy. He wants to see you flourish. He wants to be there when you are in your darkest hour. He wants to fill your heart with gladness and praise. He wants to be a part of your daily routine. He wants to encourage your passions and harbor your fears. He wants all of you. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, not a year from now. Today. He wants all of you today. give yourself the best part of what He has to give……Life. Eternal Life. Eternal Life. Eternal Life. Eternal Life. Eternal Life. Eternal Life. Eternal Life. Eternal Life. Eternal Life. Eternal Life ………..Eternal Love.