Since the creation of time man has relentlessly tried to find the value of life and the essence of his purpose. Rummaging through the dark porticos of this world from monetary value to moral validity. Reaching for the seemingly unattainable we get lost in the currant of the voracious world, racing to get to the top. The CEO of a thriving oil company practically steals money from those who have never even heard of a stock option. All to find his authentic happiness, not even realizing that deep inside his soul he is truly desolate. Not to mention the stark realization of the single mother working 3 jobs still behind & unable to get to work for the price of gas. How about the fervent preacher who sings the praises of the Good Book while preaching love and acceptance to the massive crowd sitting inside his super-dome church, but fails to notice the impoverished family on the street, un-welcomed by his misguided standards and confused glances. Isn’t that the mere philosophy of spreading God’s word through Jesus Christ? Setting out to the ends of the earth to reveal to people who are scorned, homeless, helpless, scared, confused, shamed, un-wanted, sick, weary, jaded, bruised, angry, under-educated, abused, loveless, confident yet empty, sure but lost…..isn’t that our duty? Isn’t that the obligation that we are indebted for the mercy bestowed upon us by the sweet embrace of God’s love and protection? He’s calling your name….will you answer? Do you reveal a smile and maybe spare change to the man bearing dirty clothes and miss-matched boots cowering beneath your feet, wondering if someone cares if he eats today? Do you give pause the enraged kid who cut you off? Don’t you realize that his worth has been devastated with “You will never” & “You’re not worth it” coupled with aching abandonment? Do you not realize that it only takes one connection, one helping hand, one realization, one smile to connect those in want to the living word of God? Just one to narrate the Word through actions to those who’ve never been exposed. Just one selfless act to revive a life hanging in the balance. God has a master plan that incorporates every single one of our achievements, our conflicts, our triumphs, our offerings...we are writing the ultimate pages of the story and the outcome depends on our actions, our smiles, our hand of acceptance, our decision to laugh it off or dwell on the redundant, our embraces, our tolerance……our Jesus. Who are we? And what part of this story will you write?
These writings are meant to stir your soul and motivate your actions into something that will help change the person at a time. Together we will be a Revolution of Souls.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Wonder Volume XII
It would seem as though this world is made up of structures and systems that benefit those who are not divinely connected to God in one way or another. I see the failures of the justice system, CPS, financial institutions, the IRS, the road raged person in the car next to you in rush hour traffic. It is all designed to weave a web that will in the end spell disaster for those left behind to face the end times. It is the desire of the dark king to put you, servants of the God Almighty, in less than favorable conditions inside this world he has slowly convinced. He has managed to take God out of our schools, our government, almost our money, and physically off of the stone set by our fore fathers who based their every judgment upon the grace and favor of the Lord. So when he is meddling in your affairs and it seems as thought there are no resolutions, turn your cheek once more and seek the guidance of your God. He never gives us something we can’t handle right? It is what you do with the boiling feelings of resentment, anger and frustration that will lead the Children of God to an even sweeter Victory over Satan’s worldly army. Forgiveness is the way of Jesus Christ. Don’t throw your hands up in resignation. Just know that right here right now you are exactly where God has placed you in your journey to find your true purpose and definition in life. It is molding you into the fine instrument He has planned for the end of days and the beginning of eternal life. Your testimonies, your correspondence, and above all your actions in your life will affect those around you. How you demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ through the dealings on your plate will show others what to attain when searching for the fortitude to handle themselves in their own situations. If you go to church every Sunday morning and evening, even every Wednesday but fail to minister Monday through Saturday through your actions, words and works, you fail to show others the love and inspiration of Christ. What would happen if every Christian were to speak softer, love deeper, forgive more often, smile instead of frown, and give rather than receive? One at a time we are all in this life for a much bigger purpose than we know. Some are called, and others aren’t. That’s okay, but as a Christian, called or not, it is your duty to live your life in a manner pleasing to God. Take a moment to give yourself time to reflect on your personal relation ship with Jesus Christ. Everything will fall into place when you are true to your heart and what He is telling you. Take care of your temple, meaning physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is your only worldly body, but it makes it much easier to fight the battles. Talk the talk, walk the walk, and look the part. It will be your legacy for all time. Do you know what your legacy will be?
Wonder Volume XI
Sitting over a warm cup of coffee watching each person in the very moments of their life that could change their path; I realized that life is a very tiny stitch in the much larger quilt being sewn by our Father above. With each different color, each different thread, each stroke of the needle He is gently weaving our lives one by one, designing it with personal journeys and defining moments. Stepping outside of my own busy day to day, I saw the unique gift of my Shepard in the form of tears, rainy days, even a mother holding her child close. Appreciating the value of the path I have been blessed with, I reach deep within my soul to find what gifts and testimonies that are mine to share through the love of Jesus Christ. I challenge all to find what is theirs to share, whatever the form it comes in. Find Jesus within each decision and conversation. Broadcast the intense love with those in need who can’t quite fit the design that has been chosen to weave the coming days of their own lives. A spark can become a flame and change everything. The time has come for the Children of God to take their place in this world to put all of our affairs in order. There is no guideline and there are no instructions. This has turned from a worldly journey to an individual unveiling. What stitch will you help make in the final quilt of the world? Will you leave the homeless forlorn? Will you let the hungry wilt? Will you let the chance pass by to share the love of your Father with a lost soul? Don’t ever do that. It could save someone at the most significant moment in their journey to Christ’s love. Be a shield and protect your brothers and sisters that don’t know the unexplainable, passionate, furious love of the Almighty. That is our job. Stop worrying about dinner, don’t worry about the bank account, don’t worry about the grass, stop worrying about the least of all things in life. If you do not unearth or act upon your purpose, we are failing to start the Revolution of Souls. Where are the fabrics of your soul that you will offer up to be sewn today? Share, love, pass the hope along, and pray for the safe passage of all. After all, who are we to hog the warmth of the covers God is sewing in our comfortable, sheltered, sated lives? We are only the blood-covered sinners that are saved by the choice of one man. Humbling doesn’t even begin to cover it.
Wonder Volume X
Ever wonder what your purpose in this world is? So, what exactly is purpose anyway? Well the very definition of the word is this: the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used etc; determination; resoluteness. It’s meaning in this world can be interpreted in many ways. You can base your existence on what you do for a living, what you do for others, or even what others do for you. We all have a meaning and a purpose. So does it come flying at you with instruction on what, where and when? No. Our life is based on the choices that we make in life that will affect the life of others and ourselves. What happened to just hugging a child that needed something that simple? What happened to giving those around you the benefit of the doubt? Are we now so self involved that we can no longer see past the web we weave to the next person who needs something as effortless as a smile? I challenge those reading to take a page out of Christ’s Word to do something small for someone that you may or may not know today. Base your soul’s light on spreading zeal around to those who are lost in the dark tunnels of life. With every light shining one at a time, we can all make it through. I see allot of darkness in this world through people’s actions and beliefs, their situations, and their decisions. It makes me want to fight harder and longer. Even when I’m battered and bruised. It’s like a Gladiator taking his enemy’s worst and still standing up for the right of mankind…..simply because it’s the right thing to do. Talk about valor and honor. Do something for yourself and others, not for self-gratification, not for tax write off’s, or bragging rights. Do it because it is the right thing. One day we will all realize that the decisions that we are making in this moment right now, are the ones that mold our legacy in the eyes of Jesus Christ. He has the last judgment on our souls. I don’t know about you, but I want to stand in front of my Father and be able to answer yes to all of His questions. Yes, Father, I did help that boy whom was lost and had no one. Yes, Father I did give my last dollar to the homeless man on the corner. Yes, Father I did give what I could to those people who lost it all. Yes, Father I did think of Your Glorious face each time hoping and praying that You were looking down on my deeds with splendor saying “Good job My Child, good job”. I do look for your acceptance in everything I do Lord, as it makes me more like You. Please be with me in all that I am and all of the decisions that I make that are pleasing and bring joy to Your heart. Purpose. It is one ingredient in a mixture of life that will rise with love and holiness to become the body of Christ. May we partake in that and be content with all that we do for others and ourselves.
Wonder Volume IX
Empty as the world turns that we take for granted the simplest things. It has become so generic, life has. When did that happen? When did we dismiss the power of a human life to better suit our selves? When did we stop looking at people and passing them by while they held out their hand for help? When did it all become “normal” for a child’s smile to fade with the next breaking morning because it was too hard to face? Why do we assume that all will be okay just as long as we look away? It’s a good thing that God has us all in His plan. It’s a good thing that God knows that the little boy abused and drugged will someday grow to be a leader of men. It’s a good thing God opens hearts of all those chosen. It’s a good thing that God strengthens men by hardship and pain. It’s a good thing. It’s a good thing because to think of this world with out the mercy of our Savior in Christ is physically breaking. I hear the echoing sounds of a cry for help, from not one, not 10, but thousands whose lives have become the societal brush off. What are we doing? Why does this happen? It’s happening to challenge God’s warriors of this earth to stand up and fight for the good of men. Fight for a life left behind, fight for the right not to be turned into a statistic. When did it happen that we stop to think about those who are incapable to help themselves? Go, now and put on the armor that God has wielded you to wear in the daily battle. We are in battle right now. Swoop up your swords and shields, you will need them to face the darkest of enemy staring down the end of days. They are hoping & planning that we fall into the trap that was set among us to give up when it seems like they have come to collect the injustice placed upon the weak. Do you worst for they will do theirs. We are in a spiritual battle more real than most recognize. Believe me when I say that God has a purpose for all, and you are in the battle to fight RIGHT NOW. Not tomorrow, not next week, right now. What can we do? Where do we go from here? Let’s start a revolution of souls to gather and plant the knowledge of Christ our Savior into the dark corners of the world. God provides the rest. Let’s start now. Let’s rise. Let’s bare the burdens and help carry the load. Information is good, but doing is better. It’s our chosen path, & it lights the way to the final battle. Everyday is a day we fight. FIGHT. Feel the surge of the battle cry from within. Paint your face. Stand. Fight. Bring it on, because we are the soldiers of the AWESOME and we will win.
Wonder Volume VIII
In a world full of variety and chaos we tend to make choices that lean towards self-advancement. We seethe about the phone bills, the gas prices, the credit cards, and all of the immaterial things that we organize together to call a life. While on the disproportionate side of the world there is an assortment of people from children to adults whom haven’t an opportunity nor an occasion to be saved from themselves or from those who have put them there. Imagine not even knowing the difference between unconditional love and hatred. Imagine not having the security of boundaries and rules. Imagine not having your health in tact by your own accord. Imagine your life being controlled by a drunken marionette. Imagine not ever knowing the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. Imagine. We are blessed by Christ so that we may bless others. We are taught strength and love so that we are strong and able to love others. We are shown mercy and unconditional love so that we may forgive and love those in need. My sister sent me a passage at a significant decision making point in my life: James 1:27; “Anyone who sets himself up as “religious” by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air. Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.” When searching for an open door to walk through you might find a brick wall. When you are ready, and truly ready to hear what God is saying to you it will show up in the form of deafening comprehension. There are more important things in the world today than the coupons in the Sunday paper. The fight for humanity has shifted from spreading the word to being the word. We have to show those who are in need the mercy and unwavering strength that has been shown to us through God. He has a plan and a purpose for all. We are to heed his teachings and furnish the results that go unspoken. God will provide for you what you need to accomplish your goals, and ultimately His. I love the phrase if God brings you to it, God will bring you through it. He knows what he is doing and the sooner that you listen and open your heart to his word; the sooner you will reach your purpose. Just imagine.
Wonder Volume VII
God will talk to you if you are willing to listen. He hastens a move or a change in you life when you most need it. When all seems wrong around you, know that it is. That is the first step towards knowing that you should stop, listen, then act upon what God is calling you to do. Whether that be a change of church, or lack there of, a health decision, a relationship change. He will guide you in the direction you need to go if you will listen and above all, trust. I will again reiterate the familiar personal choice option. Our life is what we choose for it to be. It isn’t all that hard to hear what He tells you. If at any time you are unsure or feel that what is isn’t right, it’s not. He will then open the complicated layers of our subconscious and plainly tell you what it is that you already know, but have failed to put into motion for one excuse or another. Remember that ‘Dare to be Great’ jar sitting dusty on the shelf? Take a good hard look. Try something new. Open the jar and let all of the dust fall to the floor, as will your burdens and hardships. Just because you took a chance and broke the monotony of personal choice. Look at everything around you and know with out a doubt that it is God given and you have a duty to take care of it not only for yourself, but because you owe that to the One who gave it to you. “With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26.
Wonder Volume VI
I sat in my car at a red light one muggy afternoon watching one after another as people passed by in their cars. It hit me as each drove by that I made a 5 second judgment about them telling myself, ‘Oh she looks sweet. He’s nice. They look like good people.’ I did that at least 6 or 7 times before I realized two things. First to be subconsciously making assumptions about someone I have never met, nor will the chances that I will see them again be likely. But to also realize that we all tell ourselves there isn’t hardly any good people out there these days, when in all reality the good of people is definitely out there and waiting to be noticed and validated. We have built ourselves this nice little catch 22 world that keeps circling as Satan sets in motion another spin on this merry-go-round we are riding. I get tired of the stories and the news telling all the bad because “that’s what sells”. Well tell me do we remember the good? I don’t take one day for granted, because tomorrow might be the last. So cliché I know, but don’t I keep saying that? Why is all the goodness in the world cliché, or hush-hush? I will give you three guesses but you will only need one. It’s like the chess pieces in the game between good and evil. I toil and grieve for all the people who got washed up in the tsunami and lost their lives. They have done nothing to deserve such an unspeakable ending. I ask why a lot when it seems that all the good of the world is dying. I recently received an answer. “I my self will search for my sheep and look after them. As a Shepherd looks after his scattered flock when he is with them, so will I look after my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness.” Ezekiel 34:11–12. He is gathering His flock to prepare them for the final move of the game. I feel much better when He whispers that in my ear, and I remember the people passing by wanting to say, thank you for being such a wonderful and bright soul. Lets rally together and knock down the pawns of the opposing team and shout with glory and triumph…Check Mate.
Wonder Volume V
What are we to do for ourselves in this world? We take all that is given, some give back and others just take. So ask your self this question. What have I done to improve the quality of life in this world through myself, or through others? Do you have an answer? I certainly hope so. The greatest gift to ourselves is to nurture our souls with the gift and presence of God. Fill your life in every aspect with His giving hand. He needs you to cherish the things He has given you, in order to keep the feeling of love and hope alive. Not only in our hearts, but also through that we give light for those who need to see it. We give into the pessimistic sacrifices of our day to day lives that seem to drag on into what seems to be weeks that roll into years of if only’s, and I should of’s. What has you running in circles that broods your anger at the mere mention of why it hasn’t gone away, or why you have to deal with it at all? Doesn’t God love me and want the best for me? That rings in His ears. We are all comparable to the child never understanding the phrase ‘I’m only doing what’s best for you’ passing through the lips of their aspirant parents. Some of us as parents, don’t we know the answer to that one? Because knowing what lies in their future, and wanting more than to have air in our own lungs for them heed our guidance, we usher them to do what they don’t want to. It definitely brings face to the label “Children of God” doesn’t it? Do we forget that He sees all, knows all, and is our ultimate Father? Remember going forth that when we don’t understand, and don’t feel righted by all the wrongs of this lonely wicked world, that at the other end of the line is the truest of true, the most humble of infinite love, our one and only…Trinity. Give thanks for what He gives you. Ask Him when you need answers. Live the light through your soul. Bless the weak with your words. And above all, remember that the root choice is to trust at all times that God is with you and will give you what you most need.
Wonder Volume IV
I think that the lives of all the people around us are beginning to sound like a record of the same annoying song playing over and over again. The same excuses, the same stories, the same conversations being held for lack of nothing better to say. I am beginning to see a pattern in this world that is hopefully leading to the end of the monotonous life we live. I am so ready to find a reason for being here. We have seen all there is to see and the only thing left is to fight for the good. It is so hard on a daily basis to play the same games over and over and never winning. Waffling back and forth between a decisive yes and a discouraging no keeps us in constant procrastination. These are the options we hold ourselves to when we stop trusting in the one person that has the answers to all the things we cannot find one for. I have to take another wonderful quote from Brennan Manning when he said “The untruthful idea that salvation is reserved solely for the proper and pious, the nameless fear that we are predestined to backslide, the brooding pessimism that the good news of God’s love is simply wishful thinking—all these combine to weave a thin membrane of distrust that keeps us in a chronic state of anxiety.” Wow what a mouthful! God is loving us, you and me, this moment just as we are and not as we should be. Take what you feel about the people you love, multiply that by infinity, and you will have a hint of the love God owns for all of us. Why not trust in something that is so much bigger than our own thoughts and biggest dreams? Don’t you know He has it all planned out no matter what kind of car we drive, no matter who the Commander in Chief is, no matter where we are financially. God knows everything in our heart good and bad. He wants badly for you to run to Him crying, desolate, and powerless. He needs to know that you trust in Him to make things right for you. And why shouldn’t He? You are a child of God. Being a victim in this world is a viable option since the children of God are the nerds of the world class, but isn’t that right where Satan would have you? Stand strong in what you know is the truth. Turn on the song that at the pivotal point in the chorus you are the happiest and most vulnerable, and know that the pure feeling you are experiencing is a gift from God. He is reminding you that all is well and that where ever you are in your life right now is right where you need to be to open your eyes to your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Whether that be a thankful hallelujah, or a where are you? It is time to raise your hands to the almighty and let Him do his handy work. One word sums up all of the uncertainty, and questioning that you have inside you right now. Trust
Wonder Volume III
The Christian rock band Switchfoot said it best when they belted out the lyrics ‘This is your life, are you who you want to be?’. It makes you stop and think. Is what I’m doing the very thing that makes me happy, and fulfilled? We go day to day doing the corporate thing, not taking a breath of air to glorify what beautiful things God has given us. We do not listen to the voice in the back of our head leading us to the awaiting happiness tailor made to fit each of us. Brennan Manning stated in his book Ruthless Trust, that the reality of naked trust is the life of a pilgrim who leaves what is nailed down, obvious, and secure, and walks into the unknown without any rational explanation to justify the decision or guarantee the future. Why? Because God has signaled the movement and offered it his presence and his promise. In order to grow in trust, we must allow God to see us and love us precisely as we are. We put up a front for all to see and hope that they buy the smoke screen we have disguised ourselves in so we do not have to be who we are afraid to be. Even though it would glorify God in every way, we refuse, do to the tangled web we have caught ourselves in called fashion, trend, what’s ‘in’, & what others might say. Step out of the shell we call normal and be the brilliant person God has intended you to be. He has given you a voice to do and say what you want. He has also given the children of God the pure of heart to use their strength, and valor to change the world one person at a time. I know we have all heard those worn out phrases all of our lives, and that in itself makes me sad. It has lost all meaning and effectiveness to do and touch people in the way it was meant for. But if you stop and soak in the simple meaning of those very phrases you will find yourself knelt down in tears offering up your help and assistance to the true and mighty of the lost world. It is still out there and is being muted by politics, commercials, video games, evangelists, new broadcasts trying to get the story, and all of the people chanting about things that in all reality have no meaning and depth. Look beside you and hold the hand of the invisible angel God has sent to guide you and protect you. Listen and trust, live and learn. But most of all make the effort to change and listen to what God so desperately wants you to know….that He is the Beginning the End and everything in between. Make the mark in your own life that will shine through to the people who need to see it most. Do it, for to live without risk is to risk not living.
Wonder Volume II
So you’re broken. Your soul is tired and your mind is barren. Fulfill your self with things that are going to give you peace, energy, clarity, strength. Cry when you see something that deserves tears. Laugh when something needs laughter. Bring sunshine into the darkness of the selfish, uncontrolled, and bitter. We are to do what others won’t. It is our job to brighten the lives of those whose life is dim, and share what we have inside that makes us good. They have so little hope that they cling to day to day. Look deep and you will see the vibrant luster inside yourself that is hope. If we keep it to ourselves, who are we? Do we decide who deserves love, and who does not? Shame on us. Find the fire in your soul that would ignite a lost soul and share what God has given you. Forget who’s looking, or what they might think. Close your eyes and feel the desire that He has given you. Run with the magical winds of change and touch someone who needs to be touched. Never hold back. We have so much, and we can help the less fortunate to find what ultimately makes them happy. A relationship with God. Have you ever been so resplendent with love and brimming with compassion that you can’t help but laugh and smile? That is the tickle of the angels above reminding you that life is basking with simplicity and hope. Take heed to the cue and spread like fire. I’m not saying go ride around on a bike passing out bibles and wearing a sign noting how God is the lot of the world. Just touch at least one person needing the sweet surrender of God’s hand with a smile, a hand shake, a ‘have a good day’, a kiss on the cheek, a warm embrace. The reason this world is so driven on rage, rushing with the relentless need to be ahead of the game, is because Satan has it finely placed between his fingers, and is trying to squeeze every last drop of hope and love that we have to share. Don’t be erroneous to the fact that Satan can manipulate the children of God just as much. That is how he wins. He will snuff out the light of every person meant to fight for Heaven. We still have freedom of choice and that is his playground. Something he can destroy if we give into the anger of someone cutting you off, or cursing Taco Bell for putting onions on your burrito every time you tell them not to (Every time!! Come on! Hee-hee!). It is the tired feeling we have at the end of every hard day’s work. We have to rally and stand firm even when we are alone. Remember, we are soldiers of the Awesome, and we do get a chance to come back to the earth that will be torn and tattered, backed with fire and rule to destroy all who oppose. Victorious, we will ride off to be warriors of the finest Calvary know to man. Start putting your armor on now, and fight the unseen day to day with everything you do. It’s cliché, but love will conquer all.
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