The Christian rock band Switchfoot said it best when they belted out the lyrics ‘This is your life, are you who you want to be?’. It makes you stop and think. Is what I’m doing the very thing that makes me happy, and fulfilled? We go day to day doing the corporate thing, not taking a breath of air to glorify what beautiful things God has given us. We do not listen to the voice in the back of our head leading us to the awaiting happiness tailor made to fit each of us. Brennan Manning stated in his book Ruthless Trust, that the reality of naked trust is the life of a pilgrim who leaves what is nailed down, obvious, and secure, and walks into the unknown without any rational explanation to justify the decision or guarantee the future. Why? Because God has signaled the movement and offered it his presence and his promise. In order to grow in trust, we must allow God to see us and love us precisely as we are. We put up a front for all to see and hope that they buy the smoke screen we have disguised ourselves in so we do not have to be who we are afraid to be. Even though it would glorify God in every way, we refuse, do to the tangled web we have caught ourselves in called fashion, trend, what’s ‘in’, & what others might say. Step out of the shell we call normal and be the brilliant person God has intended you to be. He has given you a voice to do and say what you want. He has also given the children of God the pure of heart to use their strength, and valor to change the world one person at a time. I know we have all heard those worn out phrases all of our lives, and that in itself makes me sad. It has lost all meaning and effectiveness to do and touch people in the way it was meant for. But if you stop and soak in the simple meaning of those very phrases you will find yourself knelt down in tears offering up your help and assistance to the true and mighty of the lost world. It is still out there and is being muted by politics, commercials, video games, evangelists, new broadcasts trying to get the story, and all of the people chanting about things that in all reality have no meaning and depth. Look beside you and hold the hand of the invisible angel God has sent to guide you and protect you. Listen and trust, live and learn. But most of all make the effort to change and listen to what God so desperately wants you to know….that He is the Beginning the End and everything in between. Make the mark in your own life that will shine through to the people who need to see it most. Do it, for to live without risk is to risk not living.
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