Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Wonder Volume V

What are we to do for ourselves in this world? We take all that is given, some give back and others just take. So ask your self this question. What have I done to improve the quality of life in this world through myself, or through others? Do you have an answer? I certainly hope so. The greatest gift to ourselves is to nurture our souls with the gift and presence of God. Fill your life in every aspect with His giving hand. He needs you to cherish the things He has given you, in order to keep the feeling of love and hope alive. Not only in our hearts, but also through that we give light for those who need to see it. We give into the pessimistic sacrifices of our day to day lives that seem to drag on into what seems to be weeks that roll into years of if only’s, and I should of’s. What has you running in circles that broods your anger at the mere mention of why it hasn’t gone away, or why you have to deal with it at all? Doesn’t God love me and want the best for me? That rings in His ears. We are all comparable to the child never understanding the phrase ‘I’m only doing what’s best for you’ passing through the lips of their aspirant parents. Some of us as parents, don’t we know the answer to that one? Because knowing what lies in their future, and wanting more than to have air in our own lungs for them heed our guidance, we usher them to do what they don’t want to. It definitely brings face to the label “Children of God” doesn’t it? Do we forget that He sees all, knows all, and is our ultimate Father? Remember going forth that when we don’t understand, and don’t feel righted by all the wrongs of this lonely wicked world, that at the other end of the line is the truest of true, the most humble of infinite love, our one and only…Trinity. Give thanks for what He gives you. Ask Him when you need answers. Live the light through your soul. Bless the weak with your words. And above all, remember that the root choice is to trust at all times that God is with you and will give you what you most need.

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