It would seem as though this world is made up of structures and systems that benefit those who are not divinely connected to God in one way or another. I see the failures of the justice system, CPS, financial institutions, the IRS, the road raged person in the car next to you in rush hour traffic. It is all designed to weave a web that will in the end spell disaster for those left behind to face the end times. It is the desire of the dark king to put you, servants of the God Almighty, in less than favorable conditions inside this world he has slowly convinced. He has managed to take God out of our schools, our government, almost our money, and physically off of the stone set by our fore fathers who based their every judgment upon the grace and favor of the Lord. So when he is meddling in your affairs and it seems as thought there are no resolutions, turn your cheek once more and seek the guidance of your God. He never gives us something we can’t handle right? It is what you do with the boiling feelings of resentment, anger and frustration that will lead the Children of God to an even sweeter Victory over Satan’s worldly army. Forgiveness is the way of Jesus Christ. Don’t throw your hands up in resignation. Just know that right here right now you are exactly where God has placed you in your journey to find your true purpose and definition in life. It is molding you into the fine instrument He has planned for the end of days and the beginning of eternal life. Your testimonies, your correspondence, and above all your actions in your life will affect those around you. How you demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ through the dealings on your plate will show others what to attain when searching for the fortitude to handle themselves in their own situations. If you go to church every Sunday morning and evening, even every Wednesday but fail to minister Monday through Saturday through your actions, words and works, you fail to show others the love and inspiration of Christ. What would happen if every Christian were to speak softer, love deeper, forgive more often, smile instead of frown, and give rather than receive? One at a time we are all in this life for a much bigger purpose than we know. Some are called, and others aren’t. That’s okay, but as a Christian, called or not, it is your duty to live your life in a manner pleasing to God. Take a moment to give yourself time to reflect on your personal relation ship with Jesus Christ. Everything will fall into place when you are true to your heart and what He is telling you. Take care of your temple, meaning physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is your only worldly body, but it makes it much easier to fight the battles. Talk the talk, walk the walk, and look the part. It will be your legacy for all time. Do you know what your legacy will be?
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