Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Wonder Volume VII

God will talk to you if you are willing to listen. He hastens a move or a change in you life when you most need it. When all seems wrong around you, know that it is. That is the first step towards knowing that you should stop, listen, then act upon what God is calling you to do. Whether that be a change of church, or lack there of, a health decision, a relationship change. He will guide you in the direction you need to go if you will listen and above all, trust. I will again reiterate the familiar personal choice option. Our life is what we choose for it to be. It isn’t all that hard to hear what He tells you. If at any time you are unsure or feel that what is isn’t right, it’s not. He will then open the complicated layers of our subconscious and plainly tell you what it is that you already know, but have failed to put into motion for one excuse or another. Remember that ‘Dare to be Great’ jar sitting dusty on the shelf? Take a good hard look. Try something new. Open the jar and let all of the dust fall to the floor, as will your burdens and hardships. Just because you took a chance and broke the monotony of personal choice. Look at everything around you and know with out a doubt that it is God given and you have a duty to take care of it not only for yourself, but because you owe that to the One who gave it to you. “With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26.

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